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Pre-K Enrichment

(Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays for the entire school year)



Covenant will be offering a year long enrichment opportunity designed for any child going on to Kindergarten the following year who might be ready for a longer day at school.  Children must be 4 prior to September 1 and enrolled in one of Covenant’s morning multi-age classes in order to be eligible for the program.  Class size will range from 12-15 children with two lead teachers.  The Pre-K enrichment will meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30-1:30 and is meant to be an extension of what children are learning in their morning classes.  This class will still follow the same developmentally appropriate curriculum Covenant has always used.  We will not be doing any rote instruction with children: tracing letters, doing flash cards, teaching children how to read, etc.    


Children will eat a parent-provided lunch and have an opportunity to participate in additional play based activities both during a second choice time, outdoor time, and another group time.  Activities will be similar to those of the morning multi-age classrooms and may include:


  • Dramatization of favorite storybooks — children may read, make props when appropriate, and act out different children’s literature, they may even engage in some story dictation of their own


  • Art and craft activities


  • Group time — this is an opportunity for the group to come together and discuss the theme of the week, social dynamics of the group, and do different group activities that include pre-literacy skills (letter identification, sounds that letters make, rhyming, use of print), and pre-math skills (number identification, one-to-one correspondence, counting, sorting)


  • Gross motor time — either outdoors on Covenant’s playscape or in the indoor playroom


  • Games — experience with board games, card games, and other turn-taking games are great ways to develop self-regulation and have fun!


  • Dramatic play — kitchen play, dress up, building an airplane for a trip, developing a restaurant, playing family – all fun ideas of the children’s creation.


  • Science — experimentation and exploration of various science phenomena, like sinking and floating, shapes, basic chemistry, etc


  • Nature-based activities — observing and exploring nearby outdoor habitats; collecting, sorting and using natural materials; engaging in nature related art activities; and reading and discussing nature related books


This class can be a great addition for some children going on to kindergarten next year.  In order to enroll, you must sign up for this enrichment during the registration process in late winter.  Due to continuity of the class, you must sign up for both days for the school year.  There will still be opportunities during the school year to sign up for other daily enrichments that will offer additional curricular opportunities and get children used to a longer day at school. 

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