After School Enrichment Classes
One unique feature of Covenant Nursery School is the enrichment opportunities available to our Multi-Age (3-5 year old) and Honeybee Three's children (Turtle Two's may participate in Lunch and More beginning session II). Children must be potty trained in order to participate. These programs give children additional curricular opportunities in an environment they are already comfortable in as well as creating and extended day for children (11:45- 1:15) -- Particularly great for those children going on to kindergarten the following year. Class sizes will range from 10 - 12 children and are all led by current Covenant teachers. In each program, children will have time to eat a lunch from home with their peers. The program year is divided into three sessions of about 8-10 weeks each. The cost is $20 per class period ($25 to drop-in). Because we strive to offer enrichment programs that align with interests of the children and families there is a possibility that enrichments may change from year to year and from session to session. Sign up for enrichment programs will take place before the start of each session.
Turtle Tunes: Turtle Tunes is a joyful time for children to listen to sounds, explore instruments, participate in instrument ensembles and engage in singing games and dances. Instruments will be used in class for exploration, steady beat and improvisation. Songs and music from varied sources both traditional and contemporary will be used in the class. Children will make their own rhythm instruments from time to time so that they can enjoy making their own music at home. Music instruction is a wonderful way to encourage children’s large and small motor skills, their listening and patterning skills, creativity and social interaction.
Hands On Art: This enrichment is a very hands on, often times messy art enrichment. Children will have the opportunity to experience a variety of art materials such as sculpture, papier-mache, mod podge, 3D collage, as well as some more familiar art mediums. Art projects in this enrichment tend to be more product oriented and is a great one for children with an interest in doing art of all kinds!
Nature Explorers: This enrichment is designed to engage and expand your child’s interest in the natural world. Children will get a variety of hands on experiences observing and exploring nearby outdoor habitats; collecting, sorting and using natural materials; engaging in nature related art activities; and reading and discussing nature related books. This is a great “pre-kindergarten” enrichment -- children will be using math skills (sorting, comparing, putting items into sets), science skills (observing changes over time, learning about plants and animals in our neighborhood), art (using their creativity to make art with natural materials), and literacy (learning poems, finger plays, and discussing books that are read).
Storytime Cooking: Children will experience a fun class that not only encourages reading and math, but will provide opportunities to also do some cooking and baking! Children’s books come to life as we chop, taste and explore to create recipes inspired by the stories. Children will leave each class with a sample of what they made to take home and share with the family! This enrichment meets from 11:45-2:00.
Yoga Lunch Bunch: This lunchtime program will feature many different opportunities for children to move, stretch, run, and wiggle. Teachers will do some very basic yoga (stretching and breathing) in the playroom with children to start each class. Additional time in the indoor playroom will be included as part of every session.
Book Buddies: This lunchtime enrichment gives children an opportunity to reenact some popular fables and folk tales. Each week, a new story will be selected, read to the children and then children will make props to help them act out the story. Children will all get to try out different parts (often as a group) including that of audience member -- this is a great enrichment even for reserved or shy children! This enrichment is more appropriate for older children with a longer attention span. Familiar folk tales such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Little Red Hen and The Three Little Pigs will be used among many others. Acting out stories is a great way to boost children’s comprehension and pre-literacy skills!
Dance, Dance, Dance: Kids LOVE to move! This creative dance class is for both boys and girls, offering ample opportunity to hop, run, leap, jump, turn, kick, stretch and dance! We'll improve our flexibility, listening skills, patterning and body awareness while we're rockin' and rollin'.
Mix It Up: Using a variety of mixed media, children will experience a number of sensory explorations. It will be a little bit cooking, a little bit science, but mostly it will be about having fun! Some of the things they will mix up include: Goop, sculptures, playdough, model magic, shaving cream the list is limitless! This enrichment may not be best for children with tactile sensitivities, or those who do not like to get a little bit messy.
Lunch & More: Children have the opportunity to eat a parent-provided sack lunch, meet new friends and have the opportunity to participate in organized activities that change focus each week. The weekly focus will be activities such as: Creative Movement, Art, Lego Exploration, Dance, Cooking, Parachute Play just to name a few. Daily drop-ins are allowed as space permits at $18.00 per day – a great option on those days when you need just a little more time.
Fun with Fitness: Have a blast while moving your body! Fun with fitness will have a different activity each week that will get hearts pumping and faces smiling. Games, races, coordination skills and free moving. Activities will take place indoors and out – what could be better???
Spanish: This enrichment is intended to give children an awareness of another language and the sense that learning another language can be fun. Children will eat a parent provided lunch and have many opportunities to hear and practice the use of different Spanish phrases through the use of games, songs, books and play.